My new favorite fern.
Platycerium (genus)- these plants are epiphytic (which means that they grow off of other plants or material- getting what they need from air and water.
They like light but don't leave them in direct light that will burn or dry out the substrate you are groing them in. I have mine mounted on wood in my bathroom on a North-East facing window. I soak the substrate about every 5 days and mist it when I remember. It is supper handy to lay it in the bathtub so I don't have to worry about the run off water.
- Alpine Newt aka Ichthyosaura alpestris
- Axolotl aka Ambystoma mexicanum
- Blue Tailed Fire Belly Newt aka Cynops cyanurus
- craft
- Crested Gecko aka Rhacodactylus ciliatus
- crochet
- Danube Crested Newt aka Triturus dobrogicus
- dog
- Dumpy Tree Frog aka White's Tree Frog
- family
- Fire Belly Newts aka cynops orientalis
- Fire Salamander aka Salamandra salamandra
- Fresh water tank
- frog
- Gargoyle gecko aka Rhacodactylus auriculatus
- gecko
- Green Marbled Newt aka Triturus marmoratus
- Guinea pig
- Halmahera gecko aka Gehyra marginata aka incorrectly known as a Vortex Gecko
- isopods
- Jackson Chameleon
- Kaier Newt aka Neurergus kaiseri
- Leachie aka Rhacodactylus Leachianus
- Leopard Gecko
- Lepodactulus legubrius aka Mourning Geckos
- macro photography
- Milipede
- newt
- pacman frog
- paint
- Pareodura vazimba
- plant
- puppy
- salamander
- scorpion
- sewing
- Spanish Ribbed Newt aka Pleurodeles Waltl
- tarantula
- White's tree frog aka Dumpy tree frog aka Litoria caerulea
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